
Mighty Mink Autocorrector

Mink automantically

Mink automatically corrects spelling & grammer

Mink automatically corrects spelling & grammar mistakes on Google Docs, Slides, and Sheets

It doesn't make sense, autocorrect has been Microsoft word, pages and even on your phone for ages. But google_g docs doesn't have an equivalent feature. Mighty Mink Autocorrector brings this feature not only with docs but also to slides and sheets. Mink will join your file and actively correct your mistakes.

Mink Status:

Server Status:

Online Offline
Mink should be speedy, currently under optimal load Mink should be pretty fast, currently facing a decent chunk of load Mink might be a bit tired, currently facing hella load
*Make sure its editable by anyone (w/o login) as seen in the video above

Start Mink